Whitney Caroline Designs shares her favorite decorations with readers and of course Glory Haus is among the bunch!
Check out her blog for more of her favorite decorations or visit our website to order your very own Glory Haus ornament!
So if you have an order that requires modifications or you have an order question, Kim is the woman to contact. You can reach her by email at kwarren@gloryhaus.com or by calling our toll free line at 866-953-1762.
Kim is a delight to work with and wonderful addition to our Glory Haus team! If you talk to her on the phone, let her know you saw her on the blog.
Rodney & Wendy from Seasons in Marlow, Oklahoma, made their own Glory Haus Pallet Display; and you can too.
Here are the instructions to get you started.
1) You need to find 2 pallets. 42 inch pallets work nicely.
2) Using a 2x4 for support, attach your two pallets together.
3) Lay the pallets on the floor & mark where you want to put your shelving.
4) Measure to determine the amount of wood you will need to create your shelving. We recommend that you use boards that are about 9.5 to 10 inches wide and at least 1 inch thick. This will give you the depth necessary to stack product on the shelves.
5) After you have purchased the wood for shelving, you will want to make the pallets & the shelves look a little more rustic. This can be accomplished by applying gray deck stain that is mixed with water 50-50.
6) Once your paint is dry, you're ready to get your power tools, so you can make the shelves. Be sure to notch the side of the shelves with your jig saw, so that they slide back onto the pallet. This enables you to be able to brace the shelving from the back of the pallet. We also recommend that you secure shelves with long screws from the side of the pallet when able.
7) Then using "L" brackets brace the shelves on the underneath side. One side of the "L" goes on the shelf, while the other goes on the pallet. For shelves longer than 3 feet, remember to brace the middle and not just the ends.
8) To hang items you have a couple of options:
a. You may choose to use landscape nails driven straight into the pallet. If you go with this option, please use a screw in hook to help stabilize it. You make this happen by placing the landscape nail under a shelf, so you can screw the hook in the shelf about two thirds back and let the nail rest in the hook. The placement of the hook should allow for the placement of product on the nail and provide stability at the same time.
b. Your second option is to use screw in hooks under the shelving. Be careful not to overweight these hooks.
c. The final option we've discovered is to use nails to create hangers in different places on the pallet.
9) Now you are ready to attach your pallet to the wall. Be sure to use dry wall screws & drive them into a stud, so it does not pull out of the wall.
10) If you want the pallet to be standing in the middle of the room, you can make two pallet displays & stand them back to back. Then you need to secure it to the ceiling using chain that is certified to hold the weight of the display. We recommend black chain, so that it is less noticeable.
Good Luck with your Pallet Display! Remember to stock it out with Glory Haus inventory.
As we've heard from our customers everywhere, "The display makes a big difference in the movement of the inventory. It flies off the shelves."
When you're done, REMEMBER to send me PHOTOS!
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